Friday, July 01, 2005

The Clouds Gather

A couple of weeks later, I was made aware of Pinky's antipathy toward Jock.
If you remember, Jock was the originator of the idea.
I was told various stories of his underhandedness, and how he had tried to take more than his fair share.
I reacted, quite naturally,by saying "But it was his idea!"
Pinky told me he hoped Jock would 'just go away'.
Two weeks later I was informed that I was to be made redundant.

There is a certain look that somebody has when listening to themselves, listening to see if they sound convincing and to see if they can convince theselves.
As Pinky told me of the 'difficulties' of the 'company', caused by Jock, and how they would be 'unable to justify an engineer'(when they were about to sell an engineering project), I was to be made redundant by the 17th September 2004.

Unless I could think of a way to preserve my job.(Loyalty becomes immolation).

They made the foolish mistake of giving me a letter. It was designed to preserve their delusions of businesslike behaviour.

On the second to last day, Pinky primed a tame contact to say he had no time for my demonstration(of 'old' technology,which was all I was supposed to admit to).
On the final day, Perky said 'if there is anything we can do, a reference, anything except money.Which we will pay in part by Friday'.

The letter follows.

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