Thursday, December 22, 2005


..on The Daily Show, our new guest presenter Matt Tse Tung chats to guest Michael Moore.

Herro! Tonight I tell mister Moore to take a long march and lose a few pounds for charity.
Why, thank you Matt, I might just do that. But these people, these people, they just sit on their comfy chairs and get fatter while the poor get thinner.

What you think about Chinee nuclear deterrant reaching America pretty damn soon?

These people, these people...oh...fine I guess. Anything pointing at Flint Michigan?

Onry 'paper tigers'.

Not that I'm arguing. It's Bush's fault. He wants to bomb your oil.

Wha?You some kind of retard?

These people, these people...hey stop laughing, I'm trying to look seriously outraged!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !

Shut up ya slit eyed bastard.

Ho!This person,this person racialist!Ha ha ha ha ha !

Take a long walk off a short pier!

Arready took long walk; conquered China!

That's nothing! These people, the corporations, they export jobs to China!

Yes. Thanks very much!

Why you....

Bring it on!

Yo mama!

Security!Send mister Moore to retraining camp near Beijing.

Now you're talking!That's what we need over here...hey, let go my arms!

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