Sunday, December 18, 2005

Just Pointless

What are Pinky and Perky trying to achieve?
Of me.
Of the 'world' through people like me.
They have been doing this for years. Obviously they were just tuned out as static, which drove them, goaded them to ever greater atrocity.
What these morons hope to achieve is a precarious state in their victims, a dependency somewhere between consciousness and mental collapse, something they are actually prepared to litigate to achieve.
This is how much their evil, obsessive perversion means to them.

Well, they are already in hell.
I won't waste my piss trying to extinguish the flames.
God help them if gets to court.
They are consumed by lies without being consummate liars.

To quote that bore, Elvis Costello, they are the fag-ends of the aristocracy, except the 'aristocracy' would never stoop to such levels of filth; that is the overweening level of Pinky and Perky's ambition.
To reach that level, to bask in the approval of people they cringingly hold to be their superiors, while feeling contempt for them.
They are latter-day Uriah Heaps.

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