Friday, February 03, 2006

Why Does It Matter?

This is a picture of President Hindenburg.
He gave his name to the ill-fated airship.
The airship was designed for Helium, but Akron,Ohio was the sole source at that time and due to Nazism, export to Germany was banned.
Even so, the Hindenburg ship was in transatlantic service for a whole, scheduled year before the disaster, kind of like Challenger.

It also had a sister ship called the Graf Zeppelin 2 which Goering had scrapped in 1940. And yes, the Empire State Building was planned to be a terminal.

Anyway, Von Hindenburg will always be remembered as the man who appointed Adolf Hitler Chancellor of Germany in 1933.
His choices weren't easy; the Communists were huge, the Nazi SA was a private army, and the Treaty Army of 100,000 men was not reckoned capable of holding its own in a civil war if both opposing forces went at it.
So Hindenburg chose Hitler, presumably as the more Germanic alternative.

What about it then?

Well, in the UK today we have a vociferous Islamic movement with links to paramilitary training camps worldwide.
These are the 'Communists'.
We also have an increasingly popular and 'respectable' Nationalistic movement in the BNP.
The Muslims are feeding the BNP with fresh fuel by seeking to repress freedom of speech at the same time as the government is trying to do the same, directly, to the BNP.

As Nick Griffin (the BNP fuhrer) says, most Muslims are born to it.
This makes them a captive Meccan diaspora, seething with Islamic ambition.
The BNP is drawing on emotions identical to those that fed the Nazis.

There is a risk that large-scale unrest will erupt. In fact tests have been made in Burnley and Bradford.
The risk is that, far from allowing the police to deal with it(as they may well be able to), the British malcontents will either counterattack or more likely elect the BNP to a position of relative strength, at which time it definitely will be the opposite side of the coin to the present 'democratic' oppression.

The responses of Western governments to the Islamic Demarche over the cartoons are not encouraging.
If they appease, they will be replaced by some form of Nazis.

Concluding, the absolute insanity of Islamic activism is made plain by a poster being held aloft at a London protest:

"Freedom of expression go to Hell!"

The mind boggles.

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