Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Are We Not Men?

Are you a 'regular guy'?

I have been tilting at windmills for about a year now; I mean applying for jobs, jobs I can do, jobs I want to do, to make money, to go away.

Occasionally I get replies from the Black Monolith which comprises the facet of Society on the receiving end, but mostly it just sits there with an invisible, sneering smile on its thin-lipped mouth, silently chortling at my efforts without venturing even irritation at my repetitiveness.

Today, I spoke to one of the recruiters.

Ever have the feeling that somebody is speaking to you representatively?
That his words inform the thinking habits of many men?
That was what I felt today.
Apparently there is a problem. A problem with my resume(Curriculum Vitae).
I dropped out for seven years in the eighties and nineties.

I was told that 'they won't like that'. They will 'ask questions'.
I replied that I used the time to learn Philosophy, Art, Literature, Politics, to travel, to run a little business for a while.

I didn't say that I repossessed my mind and life, but that is what I did in those years.

Apparently this amounts to doubt about my commitment to a career.

In other words, like an Ayn Rand character, I'm 'not a regular guy'.

I'll take it as a compliment.

Are we not men?
We are Devo!
(We're all Jocko Homo).

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