Saturday, February 04, 2006

What To Do?

First, the Vauxhall VX220 I promised.
Arguably the first actual Vauxhall car since the forties;it was designed and built by Vauxhall in the UK, a part of GM obviously along with Opel in Germany and (now) Fiat in Italy, but this car is not part of the unified GM European range, it is Vauxhall.

Anyway, what would I do about the '1933 quandary' that we will be faced with?
Well, the state needs to act positively to defend Freedom;it needs to brook no challenge and engage in no dialogue.
Freedom should be beyond discussion.

The USA is trying to strengthen the state, but this may be simple aggrandisement.
The UK is turning to state terrorism, for example by publicising insidious undercover operations against nobody and everybody;kind of like howling at the moon when all you want is for the neighbour to stop exercising his dog in your flower bed.
This isn't just misguided;it is woebegotten, and the attempt to shove the police commissioners to the fore is an attempt to prevent any backlash against the actual, political instigators.
Spain has already been eliminated.
The rest of Europe is supposed to fall into line, but it isn't.

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