Thursday, February 02, 2006

Stop The Presses.

The trial of Nick Griffin and Mark Collett of the British National Party, ended today.

The jury returned a 'not guilty' verdict.
Two days ago Phoney Tony failed to vote on his own 'religious hatred' motion, so it was rejected.
By one vote.

Anyway, the BBC sent an undercover reporter to try to catch out Griffin, which was what the entire case was about.
The meetings at which the speeches were recorded were private, invitation-only affairs, and even then the bigot 'authorities', sorry,the bigot orthodoxy, was unable to convince a jury that any crime had actually taken place.
The judge in particular is to be commended for stemming any influence towards a lynching and instructing the jury to remain objective.

Now the BNP has been validated, god help us, if not actually made a part of the new orthodoxy of the political firmament(assuming the rest of it can stomach populism of this sort).
A new reality confronts the oppressor, the reality being that his endless soundbites about 'democracy' have been taken at face value and come home to roost.

The lesson is this: there is a large and real swelling of opinion against the destruction of actual lives in the name of nameless 'principles', principles which are swallowed like purgatives by the ruling elite and without being chewed over.

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