is not a way of life.
Unless you join the army.
I was struck by the amount of popular sentiment and artistic expression concerning GW Bush and his 'war on terror'.
I put myself in his position in 2001; I might use a nuclear weapon on Kabul(most likely).
I might invade Afghanistan(not likely) .
I would not declare an open-ended 'war' without specific targets, without specific objectives and without a recognisable end.
Yet this is what he did.
The man is not stupid as his criminal critics claim; he is a shrewd and wicked power-seeker.
This war on terror is nothing more than the perpetual war from '1984', the war envisioned by George Orwell to keep a subservient population distracted.
It is five years since the WTC atrocity, and Americans are intimidated; they are intimidated by the readiness of their own security forces to jump to it at the slightest rumour of trouble; they are intimidated by the non-constitutional holding of prisoners (not Prisoners of War) in Guantanamo Bay; they are intimidated and dismayed by the apparent ability of their military to fight two wars in another continent, but not reach domestic mainland cities in need of help(unlike the San Francisco Earthquake) and they are intimidated by the ever-present threat of 'terrorism' being blown out of all proportion at every opportunity.
This goes on and on; the worst thing Mohammed Atta did to the USA was not to kill thousands of innocents in New York; the worst thing he did was give evil men an opportunity to exploit this, in the name, but not the cause, of 'Freedom'.
Amurika's govt. is very afeared of their citizens. More every day but it should be.
When a government fears its citizens, it has already set itself aside for the purpose of governing,eh?
That's how it seems from this side of the pond anyway.
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