Monday, May 22, 2006

Inducing The 'Care' Solution

When we are going about our everyday business, in completely innocent manner, we are often being observed by others; they regard our behaviour as unacceptable, because they 'just know' that what we do, we do to get at them.

They are so sure of this that they will stop at literally nothing to prove it.

There has to be a day when we finally notice them and make a show of caring about their feelings, and this charade is the satisfaction that they have been seeking all these years.

But they don't really want it.
What they want is the satisfaction of having brought us to this themselves, via their concentration of psychological atrocity against our minds for the years, months and days it took.

But they won't be satisfied by this, for where we have merely made a mistake, they actually want us to bow to them and grant them dominion over our lives.

And once again they will stop at nothing to achieve this.
I don't know how or whether they are organised, or simply a poisonous mass-produced product of the age, but they are fiendish in the application of psychological violence to us, their victims.

What was that? A bump in the night? Random, somebody just living their own life close to us? Or a deliberate 'bump' the argument by forcible intrusion that they have a right to dwell in our dwellings, rooms, private spaces, minds-that we must reduce ourselves to their level of socialised obsession, and await each verminous rat-like noise with nerves jangling; they never argue with words, because their position is unarguable, but they argue with direct intervention, the language and meaning wrought into the fabric of their violations of our minds.

And we are supposed to forget that we don't care, as they trash our laughter, our music, our drama, our creativity, and leave us(they hope) dependent on them for our purpose.

We have to believe in the character of Ellsworth Toohey, not as mastermind, but as chronic background to our lives, so they hope.

But-"We've only got to live to win".

And so the farce continues, with the bastards going unchallenged, undestroyed, protected by the husk of societal protection that passes for modern law, actually becoming high-handed with us as they creep ever closer to authority.

And now the big secret:- the 'working class' areas used to be filled with hard people who were society's first line of nose-breaking defence against this sort of scum- the Hell's Kitchens, the Bermondseys, the Cable Streets etc, and that is the real reason that these areas were flattened and re-developed, not the poverty.
Of course, a lot of the developers thought that this was the reward to the hard men, but in fact it destroyed them.
As it was meant to.
And it continued and continues, with the soft Blue Tories pushing for the end of Industrial scale industry, another lost refuge, and today's soft Pink Labourites continuing the massacre under cover of helping.
Maybe not Thatcher.Maybe not Blair; but the camp followers, latching onto and dragging down any popular movement, bringing it back under control again for god knows what comfort,and ensuring that in the conflict between Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, all falls under the mighty ant-steps of mediocrity.

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