Monday, May 01, 2006


A 'think tank' in England has come up with the suggestion that voting be made compulsory.
Oh, but they are very reasonable!
Only going to the Polling Stations would be compulsory; we would be free to spoil our papers or even have a box saying 'none of the above'.

So that's all right then.
All we have to do is take part in a farce whereby we are forced to 'show' support for the State.
Appearances being everything, Britain would 'appear' to be a country of high voter turnout, just like Bush and Blair overthrew the democratically elected regime of Iraq.

It's this:we are fined for refusing to show support for the people who steal our money.
That's the same as confiscating our homes if we refuse to assist burglars.

The method is classic creepery; Harriet Harman, Geoffrey Hoon and Neil Kinnock make apparently unconnected 'calls' for compulsory voting, then suddenly it is a news item with this 'think tank' making a particular call.

Do they really think we will stand for this?
I won't.

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