Thursday, May 18, 2006

Common Bestiality

Look at the face of the protestor in the picture; I searched the BBC archive after seeing a couple of video clips on TV, and noted common characteristics in the faces, especially the eyes, of the 'Animal Rights' activists.

The quality was the meanly shifting squint that tries to hide the eyes of the 'people' as they looked about, waved their banners and made noises.
They appeared to be striving to stare at the world through a mist of hatred; not the hatred of outrage, but the hatred of the Leveller, that person who sees no goodness in any place at any time, but instead seeks nullity in the comfort of believing that its noise is in some way potent.

The female in the photo looks bitter to the point of insanity; apparently these people are so starved of any reasonable emotional avenue, so shut in by the savage climate of British sociological interaction, that they indulge whatever remnant of feeling they can muster, or pretend to muster, and allow it the freedom of obsession necessary to achieve the status of psychopath.

This sort of person used to be presented as comic, but they have endured, renewed and rebranded to such an extent that they are now accepted as part of the political firmament.

The only thing worth remembering about the, however, is that they formulate adamant viciousness against actual people, in the name of some alleged sympathy towards dumb non-sentients.
So placing such sympathy beyond all humanity and all sympathy.

Me? I wish my landlord would let me keep a cat. They're like a second conscience. That I can ignore safely.
But I don't need a lunatic to make me see it.

1 comment:

Sky Captain said...

I guess I am arguably a psychopath too if that is all it takes.
But I would claim to be indulging impulses which are valid and come from behind the wall.