Sunday, May 21, 2006

Down On The Underground

"Ok skipper, crossing the enemy coast now....."
"Yes Ginger, I can see Scarborough already!"
The mighty Halifax roars on into the night, its four Merlin engines humming with a stiff crackle into the earphones of the crew...........

57 years later, Soreheaduk guns his mighty saloon car into the car park of 'The Pub' and orders a pint of Halifax bomber 4.8% ale; delicious, and the old men are smiling as he sips it.

Beer is the last refuge of the Resistance in England; the names of the real ales- Winston's Pride, Nelson's Revenge, Victory Ale, Spitfire and so on- these represent the clandestine expression of national and individual pride by every customer who buys them, a pride which is not possibly confused with the wretched bigotry of the BNP and their cohorts.

The last refuge of the resistance is the country pubs and eateries of the Kingdom, where men of just and noble mind go to relax and experience moments of quiet joy free from the fetters of the state, that great nanny which is even now seeking to become the Greater Nanny in the Sky and spoil all our private little freedoms.

Even though we may be assailed at home by unsavoury creatures intent on eradicating our main privacy, the Pub remains a place where we can quietly enjoy the fruits and encouragements given to us by the revolutionaries of the Breweries.

Do you really think it is an accident the 'authorities', our benevolent repressors, have singled out the Pub as their target for anti-smoke?
They are making more smoke than we ever could, but theirs is designed to obscure, disguise, blind us to their purpose, while our smoke was only designed to make us feel the physical pleasure in the feeling and taste of our own quiet actions; they know what pleasant people we really are, which is why they think that this imposition of Nazi law is not an imposition too far.

To Hell with them all.

To finish, I had a pint of Litton's Dark Star.

I don't recommend this sequence; the Dark is almost cheesy after the Halifax, and it tastes ripe for the first couple of sips.
Far better to drink the Dark Star first, then rejoice in the explosive freshness of the Halifax.

PS- note the lack of typos.I finally bought a new keyboard.

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