Saturday, May 20, 2006

So Childish They are Stupid.

Or is it so stupid they are childish?
These life-forms exist in all countries; what they do is secretly (but known to the victim?) employ any amount of thuds, bangs, sniffs, coughs and girlish laughter in the hope of pushing normal people like us past any endurance.

They actually delude theselves into thinking that they can actually torture real men and women and get away with it; this is confirmed by the amount of effort they employ without getting brought up short.

Most is ignored. Some is tolerated.
But this is the crux; they are seeking to 'prove' that we aren't 'real' because we don't automatically explode with rage.
Their lousy co-dependent white noise is supposed to reflect on our honour, according to them, and prevent them ever having to recognise a better way.

And if we do explode?
They are safe behind walls, walls of people, walls of mortar and bricks, and they wait for the rage to pass before starting again.
Which means that they don't care to 'prove' anything one way or another; they simply go on satisfying their crappy urges.

I am always amused to see them in the final stage, when they have thrown all caution away, thinking that they are safe; they look like little innocents abroad, but we should beware.

They show no mercy.
Neither should we.

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