They fluster and they bluster, building walls of bullshit that are the Gordian Knots obstructing the flow of Progress, all the while seeing to have no particular motivation of deliberation in their apparently methodless method.
Yet the result is achieved, and they benefit.
An existantial demonstration of the committee mentality at work can be found when three cars arrive simultaneously at a three-way mini-roundabout.
Each is supposed to give way to the one on the right, and nobody oves, like three rabbits caught in each other's headlights.
Eventually, due to some remnant of initiative still functioning in one of them, the deadlock is broken and the road-engineer's 'logic' is cancelled as the road system reboots.
This is the committee mentality, but it is not that (approximate) shark that cruises socially through ordinary people's lives, biting them without being felt or seen, so as to bestow mysterious prosperity on people that we know to be too stupid to function.
It is only when we object, that something definable shoots out of the shadows, barely registering with our eyes, but suddenly confronting us with awful fate if we persist.
This can come from any direction, in unfathomed ways, always to our disadvantage.
This punishment-by-slime is deliberate, and designed to discourage us from objecting to our bitten limbs.And our bitten wallets.
If we don't drop it, they do all in their power to reach the stage where we can be labelled 'mad' for being sensitive enough to recognise the criminality in their crimes of stupidity.
And then we realise that they are not stupid; they are so talented in their psychological dishonesty, that existential stupidity is the inevitable result.
A society where stupidity is rewarded is not far from the scrap-heap, and real work flees those shores to places where a job of work is nothing to be ashamed of and people don't get robbed.
Nicely said.
Thanks Jomama, but I just found loads of typos in it so it isn't all that good.
I sound like I'm struggling a little with the concepts.
Possibly I just got out the wrong side of bed this morning.
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