Wednesday, April 12, 2006

This Is The BBC....

According to the British Brainslug Corporation, Phoney Tony is to 'release' £200 million of 'government' money to 'sport' in time for the 2012 Lympics in London.

Of course, this 200 million is ours and we never decided to give it to sport sponsorship(we never even got the chance), so it is an enormous presumption that we would be at all willing to sponsor sports that we don't play, watch or even find interesting.

Evidently this doesn't matter, as the possession of bits of gilt tin by certain favoured pets of the establishment is supposed to be a 'public good'.

In other words, Blair wants the 'bread and circuses' circus of 2012 to be memorable in ways that only other people's money can buy.

The ethos of the reconstituted Lympics was ever amateur; self-trained, self-financed and so on, but after decades of turning this sporting challenge meet into a spectacle for the drooling masses of various happiness-challenged countries, we have no more authentic tradition left.
Still, Blair knows all about destroying authentic traditions,eh?

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