Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Sydney Reilly again.
This time in a BBC article from 2002.
This ties in very closely with the account given in the television series in 1979.

What I want to know is, were the documents faked to agree with the 'fiction', or was the 'fiction' based on secret penetration of the Bolshevik establishment?

Reilly was a great man and a great champion of freedom at a time when evil was welling out of the social firmament like sewage from a ruptured drain.
He tried his best to change history and nearly saved us all from the Cold War and possibly world war in the 40s.
I've already suggested that a subscription statue be raised in Moscow.

While we're at it, where are all the statues and memorials to the other victims of Communism?
Doesn't anyone give a damn?

If Berlin can build a holocaust museum, then Moscow or Petrograd can build museums to the Russian Holocaust.

But no.
They still tend Lenin's Mausoleum.

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