Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Is This The Beginning of the End?

Or merely the end of the beginning?
The picture is of one Mark Collett, a member of the British National Party who is standing for council in Leeds.

When I got home today, I found a BNP leaflet in my letterbox.
The leaflet was the usual, glossy colour brochure telling us why a vote for them was a vote for common sense(isn't it always?).

I went back out to get my beer.
Across the street were three sharp, gel-haired young suited yobs, still leafletting.
I paid them no heed.
Then one of them who was most definitely not looking at me called his friend a 'twat'.

Now I've been around, and I know what this sort of behaviour ius supposed to do.
Loud, non-specific insults like that are a moral 'Agent Orange', designed to defoliate the civil norms and make 'ordinary' people keep their heads down.

On the way back from the beer-shop, I crossed to their side to take a closer look, expecting to observe a couple of young thugs who didn't amount to much.

The face I saw was far greater than that.
It was the sort of face I'd seen in 'upside-down' people in London.
In other words, a Wise-Guy.

There was no heed apparently paid to me.Apparently.

But now I'm beginning to wonder; the BNP is most definitely Nazi, an easy call since they sponsor Racial Preference as a government policy.

But in a world of Nazis(Labour, Liberal, even Conservative), they sound almost sensible.

Which is dangerous enough.
But I have to wonder; is MI5 aware of the highly probable link between the BNP and outright criminals?

This would be a far greater and more present danger than any political stance.

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