Monday, January 23, 2006

Horbury-Gateway To The South

Horbury Town nestles on the side of a deep river valley in the South West of Yorkshire, near the Pennine Mountains.
The town is famous for the 'Scuffler' a square-ish breadcake of soft, white bread which is ideal for delicious sandwiches filled with local produce.

Horbury Bridge, the industrial offshoot, is nearby(at the bottom of the valley) and is home to an enormous rail depot, main roads and the Calder River and canal, which are all bridged in one place.
Right next to the bridges is this old, stone house, which was a meeting place in 1865 when 'Onward Christian Soldiers' was given its world premier.
The composer(who's name I can't quite make out-forgive my photo) lived to the age of 90 and died in 1924.
So he was born in Georgian days then.Nineteen years after Waterloo.Maybe his dad fought Napoleon?

I don't know about you, but I think that's rather interesting.

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