For meaning, that is.
Does this mean that a Bromide has to remain a dull, worthy, innocuous and mild-mannered influence then?
Does it Hell.
A punch in the face is the cliched and time-honoured method of blinding us.
It is used by every thug and would-be oppressor either by habit or quite by surprise, hopefully surprising us, but frequently surprising the perpetrator also.
So. The punch is one method.
And it's a Bromide.
Another is the 'friendly' warning. This is a message which almost always has nothing to back it up, but relies on, hopefully, our experience-conditioning from the times when it actually does.
Like my 'Double-Take' posting of a few months ago.
Where we acquire the virtue of courage is when we know that the danger is real, yet we persist.
If only they gave medals for living, not dying, eh?
Anyway, the whole purpose of all this low-key violence is to put us back in our boxes, to tuck us up tightly under the covers like good little bunny-rabbits, and leave these bastards the world in which to do their evil-well, not very much at all, truth be known, unless they get organised like the Nazis.
They want to be respectable cannibals.
They organise because there comes a time when there are too many people of ability forced into subservient roles by whatever predominating social bigotry exists at the time, and in rebelling against this they throw the baby out with the bathwater.
The victims become the oppressor in the moment they seek political revenge. They become their own enemies when they represent the evil which surrounds them in the pit into which they have been thrown.
Straightforward defiance, even to the point of violence, serves one main purpose, namely to equip us mentally against the trial of strength that society will impose upon us if we fail to recognise our places.
Remember this the next time some creep starts playing a team game based on you and your life.
Truly the devil finds work for idle minds.
When I saw that fist Victor, I thought you had been looking at this picture!
I sincerely hope you wouldn't.
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