That is all we really need.
Properly applied, courage is a close relation of stupidity.
In a world which is forever claiming to know what's good for us, we have to be brave.
We have to choose not to care what is good for us until we actually know ourselves and can believe it.
We have to be stupid.
Stupidity can get us a very long way in life-and it helps us to cheat death.
When we are no longer frightened enough to let our intelligence be driven, driven by the social swirls, whorls and sinks, then, and only then, will we begin to steer our own course through life and to see what is true and which things really matter to us.
When that happens, the daisy chains of daisy people will find themselves filled with hatred of our straight courses through the whirling dervish fever of the game, and will hate us with a passion.
In England the passion is cold and dead, because in England the pansies have been safe in their flower beds for so long that they only need to imitate indifference and ignore us, leaving us to waste away on the fringes of a land too ingrained in its wickedness to even know how much it needs us.
Fortunately we are stupid.
Stupid enough to acquire the best defence against this indifference, the ability to survive, the ability to subsist and resist the best way we can, by being their equals in ignorance.
Like the Black Economy, we flow and make our ways through the obstacle course, using our Smooth Noodle Maps to get where we belong.
Even if that is only the comfort zone of eternal denial and defiance.
And the world watches. And listens. And bides its time, all the while paying false service to its own apologists for the reign of Hell on Earth.
They say escape is impossible.They even try to pursue us into our own minds.
Be stupid.
Make your mind a jungle.
And your thoughts the guerillas.
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