Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hysterical Inevitability.

Has there ever been an argument more specious, more dishonest and more ineffective than that of 'history', historical 'forces' and the 'winds of change'?
And yet, although utterly useless as an argument, it has been taken up as the zombie chant by millions of people who have plotted to achieve positions of influence, creeping up on the innocent unawares and explaining their manifold transgressions against humanity by means of 'history'.

Let's face it, we must be stupid to be frightened into silent acquiescence by some pathetic bleating about 'history'.
What is history?
History is a record, verbal or documentary, of events that people have committed to by action.
To talk of history as a 'force' is such patent crap that our correct response upon hearing this is incredulous laughter followed by a slap in the face. Or at least, we never take them seriously again.

History cannot possibly be a force, if only because by definition it is a resultant. And a resultant description of event, not an event in itself.

So why do these weirdos appeal to 'history'?
Because they know that their actions and planned actions are evil, and they need an excuse to help them pretend they aren't responsible.
They need the sanction of a higher purpose to absolve them of the guilt they try not to feel, and of course, their target for this is the exact opposite of absolution, as it all too predictably must be, since when they stand truth on its head, they never do it by halves.

Personally, I'm waiting for the Feminists to appeal to Herstory.


Sky Captain said...

I have to go further.
As a record of events which have already happened, the proponents of history as a force are trying to say that what they do to us is already in the past, something predetermined which is useless to resist as it has 'already happened'.
By means of this lie they try to face us with a fait-accompli which hasn't actually really happened yet.
We are supposed to surrender in advance.

niconoclast said...

The hysterical revisionists...

Sky Captain said...

Correction-history is not an event, it is an artifact.
Compiling a historical record is an event however, and it is the fact that actions such as observation (of history or the state of a particle)change the status quo(ever so slightly) that leads us to quantum theory and Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle.
Obviously the latter was never explained properly at school, but it makes sense when you place nothing 'outside' or 'above' physical reality; all consciousness is a sequence of events influenced, observed and participated in as an event itself.
So, belief in an influence of history will itself be enough to produce a historical influence, but only through actions carried out in this erroneous belief.
Neat, eh?