Much is made of the 'class distinction' illusion in Britain.
Class is, of course, a strictly Marxist device, designed to intimidate us away from defined value systems and into the vagiaries of less definite values, where we may be safely marshalled, corralled and exploited. Sorry, not exploited, liberated.
However, sick ideologies such as this could not catch on without a pre-existing tendency toward the use of similar concepts; like HIV, Marxism is an exploitative system which outwardly resembles extant sicknesses.
Anyway, snobbery is the system which class exploits; and class judgement is the reward for those who wish delusions of inferiority upon others, whether the manger and the worker, or the Nazi and the Jew, or the Rumanian and the Gypsy.
So why am I discussing this?
Well, today I came through a very, very poor neighbourhood, and saw a toy I'd never seen anywhere else in the world at any time previously.
The poor kid had the toy(a reclining trike with steerable rear wheels). The rich kids?They have school uniforms.
The poor kids have the freedom of the street.
The rich kids have supervised parties.
In other words, the people that are looked down on have all the love, all the generosity, all the freedom- while those whose parents can really afford these, have nothing except a (virtual murder tariff) sentence to the pressure cooker of social conformity, so that one day they can sniff in superiority at the sight of these rough diamonds, and look forward to abusing their own children into the hellishness of 'life as sneer'.
Ever wondered why the poor kids at school had all the cool stuff?
And why the rich kids wanted theirs and yours too?
Maybe you're getting the picture now.
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