On Friday I had yet another interview.
I was not looking forward to this one; I am a serious engineer, and the potential employer was a games company.
In fact, when directed to their website, I froze in horror, having never seen such a childish, facetious site.
But my agent has worked hard for me, so I did the polite thing, got into my rejuvenated car and drove down the motorway to the appointment.
When I got there, there was nowhere to park at first until I hunted around.
Reception contained about twenty or thirty takeaway pizzas and cans of coca cola.
Let's face it.
'Everybody knows' that to keep programmers happy you need to give them pizza and coke, right?
I mean, cowabunga, man.
So there were all these kids, being treated like battery chickens in tee-shirts, and I was supposed to join?
I think not.
I tried the technical test.
Frankly I have only ever used hexadecimal numbers as constant values in the implementations of C API functions going back to MFC 4.2, so I was not particularly inclined or able to demonstrate hexadecimal arithmetic.
Likewise I didn't feel like doing a C-implementation of RLE on a big number.
Especially on paper.
If god meant us to write programmes on paper he wouldn't have given us IDEs.
Then there was the usual question about Assembly language, which I have never claimed as a skill and so should never have been asked about.
The questions about which computer games were my favourites were hopeless of course, as I don't really 'do' games.
And so I came home laughing and rather wishing I'd hooked up with the beautiful mature blonde who was hanging around me in the hotel I'd stopped for lunch at.
But hey.
I had an interview to go to, right?
Talk about embarrassing. I felt humiliated to have considered it for even a moment.
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