I'd earned it.
Today I obtained some free time, and next week I will be taking four interviews, two of which are second interviews.
With a bit of luck, this beastly, beastly war will finally start going my way.
Oddly enough it's around the 64th anniversary of the Battle of El-Alamein.
The beer is an Archer's Autumn Mist.
The veranda of the pub looks out across Wharfedale; the River Wharfe is about a mile away.
Good luck. (I think you are way too intelligent to be working for someone else. Is self employment not an option?)
I have a wee idea which somebody is looking into at the moment.
If developed it could be the route to idle riches.
And no.I've offered up ideas before and got sacked, so I won't be doing anything superhuman for anybody else.
But it is nice being associated with big industries and being well paid.
Particularly when I get to do all the real stuff, be the train driver, and some other dope gets to deal with all the bullshit.
Couldn't do that if I started a business.
I'm almost convinced...
I just don't have much desire to start a business.
It would make me a recognisable entity on the government radar, open to their abuse, bullying and robbery on an explicit level.
True. Although they do say taxes are for little people....
Taxes may be for little people, but I'd hate to think I was endorsing the state by acquiescing in their governance of my business.
One reason I haven't got work up to now is my inability to meet non-commercial standards, or commercial standards driven by fear of the regulator.
My own mental health is far too important to volunteer to be pushed around.
If a robber has got a gun to your head, handing over money to him does not constitute 'acquiescence' does it? (Forgive contentiousness.)
No, but pretending life is still normal does.
And now is later; I have a couple of interview results yet to come in, but I'm not holding uot any great hopes.
One didn't like me.
The other was going great until he asked the 'Great Escape' question-you know-"Goot luck!"
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