Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I Went To The Levy But the Levy was Arrested!

His spokesman said the peer "vigorously denies any wrongdoing". He has been bailed pending further inquiries.

"Lord Levy has made it clear that he is ready at all times to cooperate with the police investigation," the spokesman said.

"He therefore complied with a request to attend today at a police station where the police used their arrest powers, totally unnecessarily, apparently in order to gain access to documents that Lord Levy would quite willingly have provided without this device."



But I bet it felt great to arrest the guy anyway.

Maybe the Plod has good days too. Maybe they'd love to help if only they were allowed to.
'Denied vigorously'-you can almost see the arm-flapping gesticulation associated with that;that's how well trained these bastards have us, and that's what they want us to imagine with their toad-swallowing, sewage-drinking meticulousness.

1 comment:

Sky Captain said...

Having seen Lord Levy on the television, I have to say that he strikes me as the type that knows all the tricks and is utterly immoral;his facial expression is just another tool of his trade.
His trade is the befooling of rich men into giving the Labour Party money.

I would want to count my fingers if I was ever unfortunate enough to shake hands with him.