Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Big Brother Is Really Little.....

....but he's got big ideas.
There comes a time in life when the sum total of the weird, sick and unpleasant appears to be posessed of a pattern; when this time comes, we get a little corner of the big picture in the TV set of our minds, if they still work.
So what do we do?
Do we get scared?
That would be sensible.After all, we have all brushed up against the bruising walls of flesh that police the nether world in which we are all starting to live; and we all have the experiences which tell us that 'something' is going on.
But what, exactly?
And why should we be scared?
We all have to operate under the contsraint(but not the dictat)of the law;they are many, but we have friends in low places too, and always enough in the bank to buy that critical pair of legs, that stay in hospital which would warn any sane man to leave us alone.

And this is understood.
But we are not dealing with any sane man.

In the mid to late 20th century, an awful lot of nasty little people came very close to running the world.
But people like George Orwell blew the whistle on them. And when that happened, the wall was built; the wall of evasion surrounding the self-realisation that lay at the heart of the prize.

Resorting to desperate measures soon follows any big battering; see the Hizbollah, the Palestinians, the Japanese Kame-Kaze, the Bin-Ladens.
What they all had in common was the desire to inflict harm beyond the bounds of reason, beyond even being around to 'enjoy' it.
What they all shared was the desperation of method born of defeat.
And the mid 20th century statists were no exception to the rule.They learn the lesson of viciousness at bay, and turn to 'unconventional' methods in their quest for domination.

They seek to extinguish the light in our eyes.
Without ever having to raise a hand against us. Except in uncontrollably provoked rage, such as when we are enjoying ourselves.

So the answer to Israel's Air Force is the 'suicide bomber'; likewise the answer to George Orwell's pre-emptive definition of 'Big Brother' is personal, micro-managed individual human(not technological) fascism.

Fascism as the policy of small groups of cognoscenti, clued in to the threats posed by the existence of any individual.
They know the signs, they don't understand them, but they know them, and act to obliterate the mentalities of these victims, spreading through society like the robots in that Will Smith film, applying individual coercion on behalf of a cause rather than a fixed organisation.
But they do associate.Assiduously in fact; for they need to feed off each other's festering virulence, in order to power through the normal human reactions of boredom, the reactions that drive them past mental health concerns and into the realms of psychopathology.

Why do you think solitary confinement is regarded as punishment-by criminals?
Criminals live in a permanent balancing act, trying not to go over the edge.
But they do.
But 'Little Brothers' don't; they are cold and deliberate, and act with determination tempered by fear, chronic and eternal, like a music of their souls which they have to strike at by violating the innocent.

In a world being infiltrated by garbage like this, 911 was a betting certainty.
And the conspiracy was visible to anyone not intimidated by the 'Little Brothers'.

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