Friday, January 01, 2010

Spot The Deliberate Mistake?

So some geezer, in his precious little laundered skull cap, walks unaided off a private jet, is picked up by a guarded limo and 'issues' a statement to 'the press'.

And the industrial application of analytic intelligence which should be the mainstream media, fails to see the irony in the fact that this uninjured person is claiming two things; firstly, that the CIA tortured him(lack of injury - what, did they call his favourite aunty a bitch?) and secondly, that the Security Service 'knew' about it.

What an absolutely embarrassing pile of bullshit; if he was tortured, why was he uninjured, well fed and walking and talking under his own power? It's not exactly the bloody Gestapo is it? Fucking joker.
And now he's trying to run his guilt-trip onto MI5 in order to disarm Britain's primary defence against actual terrorist murderers.
Let's see. We're all supposed to be stirred into guilty outrage by his crocodile whining, and dismantle our defences on his perceived definition of a legality to which he is alien in any case.
Get stuffed mate.

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