Thursday, December 06, 2007

This Just In....

The SBC Internet correspondent reports:
All over the country, indeed, the world, people running blogs on HaloScan, because they think, perhaps, that it is 'alternative', are waking up to find that their comments sections, normally a scene of thriving discourse, are static and stagnant.

It gets worse.

Anybody even trying to view a Haloscan-hosted site will be put on indefinite hold, and only by back-navigating from a subsequent site will they be able to view the blog in question.
And they still will not be able to leave any comments.

As one industry insider put it:
"What the fuck? The fucking haloscan sites are all fucking useless. What am I going to look at now?"

What indeed?
This has been your SBC correspondent, Roger Lootenant, currently in cyberspace.

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