Saturday, September 23, 2006

Double Take

So I get back today from my triple shift, and lay down my head for a bit of shut-eye.
Naturally the moron upstairs realises this and starts shouting-as if to imply that other people were also getting sick of him.
I sleep.
When I awake, I feel so refreshed that I go and get ready to go out.
Now, this guy has developed a new irritant.
He whistles. On and on, tunelessly.He was even whistling along to a baby crying.

First take:

I go to the stairs on my way out.
There is another resident going down. We reach the bottom, and while I go to my car he goes to his.
A couple more people come out and join him.

Double Take: I go to the stairs.I hear a whistling from the upper landing which I have no time for.
The large, blond fellow on the stairs is looking at me, bearing down.
I ignore him and move briskly downwards.
Briskly so that if he imagines he has something to do with me, he has to keep up.
I hear a spluttering.
At the bottom in the ante chamber of the fire escape I look back.
The young, spotty, large fellow is reluctant to follow me in.
I walk out the other side.As I get to the main door, another guy is coming in.
I must have some sort of expression because he gets right out of my way.
The creep behind comes out and goes to his vehicle.
I see in a car mirror that his is a rental van.
Two more people join him- a very large, muscle-bound guy, and a tart.
They get in.And drive off.

So what does it mean?
Well, I've been around, and I've got quite an instinct.
Two large men-fake anger and provocation-an attempt to make me pay attention by bringing the genuine provocation out when I don't know what's up there-a rental van that nobody has been filling.

These would add up to a serious attempt(in their terms)to remove me entirely.
They botched it, I instinctively saw to that.
But this little bleeder upstairs really has gone too far.
I'm going to make a few calls and take out some insurance, and wait for him to lose it completely.
Maybe I'll get a 'Face' from some other part of the country to attend to him and his amateur pals.

1 comment:

Sky Captain said...

Very pleasant afternoon in North Yorkshire being interviewed for a telecomms integration position.
The techies were absolutely splendid.
It was a pleasure to be pulled apart by such brilliant programmers;also I caught them out a couple of times myself.
Thoroughly enjoyable.
If I get the job I'll seek an exchange up there.
Should be plenty of people trying to get a place in the big city.