Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Bottom Line

There are as many different types of people in Britain as there are different people.
Not really.
There are several main types of people in Britain.
There is the exploited underclass, the people who are capable of and actually do everything.
Then there is a massive number of 'people' who exploit, govern and live off these.
And they are by no means connected with the government, so forget that little knee-jerk.
Over these are the arch-controllers, very dangerous, very powerful, but too disinterested to micro-manage every aspect of the lives of others.
They merely float above like a Zeppelin, dropping the occasional 'bomb' to encourage the masses not to look for them, cruising and bruising in the sure knowledge that they will go unchallenged.

They are not the thing against which all the unsuccessful British rebellions rebelled.
They merely turn every rebellion into one more trap, suborning where possible, expelling where convenient, and killing where necessary.
The vast body of repression in Britain is the second group; these are the useless, those who think that engineers and honest businessmen are 'no better than they ought to be', the little golf-club apparachniks who stab in the dark, and from behind, to keep the dangerous few down, to make the workers work, and for less, for as little as they can survive on; for to keep us poor is to keep us chained.
If we have no money, we can't influence.
If we have no organs, we can't organise.
Today, they try to keep us from even escaping, because even their weak brains have begun to twig that they need us, to keep their miserable roofs on, to keep them supplied with electricity, gadgets, and food.
But because we are needed, they won't trade honestly with us.
Instead they seek to control us. Regulations, laws, pressure groups, committees, all designed to entrap us into believing that we have lives, while forcing us to produce for them.
Fully 10% of the people in this country want to leave.
For Australia, Canada, America and so on.
So the myth of social superiority is perpetrated and perpetuated on these countries.
Time and again, the oppressed have rebelled.
They formed Unions;socialism took over, with a wink from the nascent oppressors.
The Labour Party mouthed platitudes about liberty, mis-identifying the enemies of the productive, crudely believing that their interventions would sweep away the layers of stultifying repression, but actually becoming the repressors and destroying what legal framework of guarantees still existed.

Now people don't believe enough of the rubbish that goes around any more to give a damn.
The deluded seek internal exile, limbo.
The honestly desperate reject the rubber-walled blandishments of their abusers and seek escape.
Those with no chance dig in and join the lawlessness of the nether world;and only then does fear protect them from the curtain-twitching, coughing, spluttering, falsely smiling bastards of the actual establishment, the second group, those people who have grown fat off the efforts of others and would sooner die than relinquish control.

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