Monday, August 21, 2006

There's A Lot Of It About.

Civilisation under seige.
HT to Sky Television News-sorry, no sophisticated screen-capture here, yet.

But the point is this; employees at Boeing did their jobs.
They discovered that a contractor had failed to use the intended machines and programmes to produce fuselage Straps for the 737 since 1995.
They were running two sets of books-a fraudulent compliance set, and the real ones.
The Straps (reinforcement plates for fuselage apertures like doorways) were actually drilled hammered and bent into (non-compliant) shapes by hand.

Obviously Boeing sounds like a company run by the Pinkies.
Because the employees were merely congratulated.
And told to hush it up. Under threat of legal action.
They have taken out a class-action against Boeing.
The courts threw out the first attempt; the judge this time has just celebrated his 99th birthday.

In the meantime, avoid travelling on Boeing 737s as much as possible.
The employees(auditors, for God's sake)suggest that as many as 1,600 aircraft are unsafe and should be grounded.


Sky Captain said...

While I'm here, how many Libertarians does it take to change a lightbulb?
One Objectivist changes the bulb, the Libertarians merely disapprove of broken lightbulbs.

niconoclast said...

I've got to borrow that one!

Sky Captain said...

You're welcome.

MapMaster said...

Good one! That'll go well in some of the circles in which I travel… not so well in others! But I keep mixed company.