Saturday, August 26, 2006

Feeding Frenzy

Britain; land of pretentiousness and fraud.
Oh, some of the people are very sincere. But once you have learned to understand just what they are sincere about, you see that there are just three real types in this land.
There are the delusional innocent, the delusional guilty, and the confused.
They are delusional because they are unable to concieve of any reality in which human life is foremost; the innocent are the victims, the filling in the sacrifice sandwich which is eaten by the guilty.
The confused are the bowling pins that are in the way of the game, the ballast that fills British society with enough jostle-space and elbows to convince the hunters and hunted that something is going on by way of life.
The delusion of the innocent is that there is some sort of benign authority, that outcomes will be for the good; the delusion of the guilty is that they are powerful.

A few of us-a very few-realise that there is no normality in the 'British Way of Life' ,and try to live accordingly.
Enough of us are allowed to succeed that we don't all jump ship, or if we do, not until it is too late to be anyone anywhere else.
Enough of us are allowed to succeed that our example serves to convince the victims and the confused that they have a chance.
And some of us just serve as examples whether we are allowed to succeed or not.
In fact, especially if we don't, because Britain has always been the land of the Cautionary Tale, which is brute warning disguised as cowardice disguised as wisdom.
And the 'powers that be' look at the delusional guilty and wink; allowing the delusion to be fed and to thrive, until such time as their criminality becomes too obviously obscene and violent.
At which stage the powers that be chortle, wink inwardly with the amusement of being able to say"we only winked, we never told you so!", and so position themselves between the corralled victims and their attack-dogs, as our protectors.

Good game, eh?

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