Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Social Engineering.

"As long as they're engineering society my way"-humour(?) by Entozoa on London Fog.
What is 'social engineering? No,wait, what is engineering?

Engineering is the application of force to physical objects in ways that produce actively useful products-mechanisms, machines and other items.

There are various level of indirection in engineering; we can force materials into shapes which can be used to apply superior force to superior materials and so on down to the final products, which defy hand-tooling techniques and pricing.

Then along came Social Engineering.
The reasoning went,"We can 'change' people to make them 'better'."
The reasoning was specious.
The reasoning hid a multiplicity of evils.
The reasoning contained no real reasoning.

Engineering is the application of force.
This was fully understood by the proponents of social engineering, but supported by people who believed in the 'miraculous' production of undisputable goods by the magic of engineering as they (didn't) understand it.

And so the bastards in control were put into positions of power over people by the use of mumbo-jumbo flash-card argument, and given license to experiment with 'social engineering'.
Thus they applied, ever so subtly, force to people in their millions.

The Human Being requires freedom from coercion as its sole condition for moral functioning.
It is by the application of the reasoning mind to the tasks necessary and desirable for life, that the person acquires the mental space to allow the functioning of his or her emotions, feelings, morals.
Force, when applied externally, is the destroyer of morals, by theft of outrage('taking' or 'stealing' someones piss,in colloqueal Cockney talk).
Threat is the logical precursor to force in conditions of integral evil, but more often threats are empty.
Knowing how to identify the difference and respond (or not!) is key to staying alive in a country where social engineering has introduced force into social transactions like poison to a reservoir.

And it is precisely the (fraudulent) attempt to improve 'society' by social engineering which has destroyed social and individual morality to such a great extent and is conitnuing to do so.

So, no.
They aren't engineering society to anybody's benefit.


jomama said...

Doesn't look good, does it.

Sky Captain said...

Funny you should say that; just watching the History Channel, and the episode about the Children Of The Third Reich came on.
One was a boy who lost his father and ran from the Hitler Youth in 1945.
He described his path to rehabilitation as an individual, living with adoptive parents on a farm and becoming a Catholic priest.
What was grim was that I could recognise every stage he'd gone through, and could see myself in the face of the aged man.

But I grew up 'normally' in Socialist Englitz.
And this mug thought he was unusual.