Monday, October 29, 2007

R.D.Laing was a Great Man.

Reading through 'A Pox On All Their Houses' I found a reference to R.D. Laing.
Looking further I found this:
Laing argued that the strange behavior and seemingly confused speech of people undergoing a psychotic episode were ultimately understandable as an attempt to communicate worries and concerns, often in situations where this was not possible or not permitted. Laing stressed the role of society, and particularly the family, in the development of madness. He argued that individuals can often be put in impossible situations, where they are unable to conform to the conflicting expectations of their peers, leading to a 'lose-lose situation' and immense mental distress for the individuals concerned. (In 1956, Palo Alto, Gregory Bateson and his colleagues Paul Watzlawick, Donald Jackson, and Jay Haley[4] articulated a related theory of schizophrenia as stemming from double bind situations where a person receives different or contradictory messages.) Madness was therefore an expression of this distress, and should be valued as a cathartic and trans-formative experience.

All this from Wikipedia
Now, I've been 'mad'.
Seriously, I've been very ill.
Years ago.
And I changed.
Fifteen years without violence? That's quite an achievement for an angry man.
Writing is a good way to help.
Obviously my ex-employers, Pinky and Perky understood this, which is why they threatened me with legal action unless I stopped writing.
For the record, Pinky and Perky(we know who) are a couple of vicious little cunts who should be fed feet-first into a slowed-down meat mincer.

But as John Wayne would have said, "I ain't gonna do it."


jomama said...


Very nicely cutting thru the crap.

Sky Captain said...

Who? Me or the late great Laing?