Monday, November 20, 2006

Goddamn Blair

I visited my favourite uncle this weekend.
He is in his eighties and flew over 70 missions over Germany in WW2, winning the DSO and DFC;he was shot up several times, and he and his crew saved each other's lives in crashes on landing at the home base.
Sadly his crew was sent off without him when he was in hospital, and all killed.

In the sixties Post Traumatic Stress Disorder caught up with him, but that's another story.

He turned to his wife and remarked about the fact that the Royal Marines killed in the 2003 Iraq campaign were given an official state burial with much fanfare, but had to be buried again privately when all the remains were finally returned.
They were buried twice because Blair's government demanded pomp and circumstance.

They wanted to put a patriotic spin on death and have an excuse to wear their best bib and tucker to the funerals while arranging their facial expressions for TV.

Incredibly, my uncle's eyes were moist and his voice was choked.

Congratulations Blair.
In the name of lying, you have violated an old man's conscience and made a genuine hero cry.

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