Friday, May 05, 2006

Industrial Politics and Railroading.

My candidate got less votes today.
For the Party Of Government, the Conservative Party.
This (usually) Labour stronghold voted in the most part for the Liberals.
The Liberals have been bombarding us with propaganda all year, nearly every month.
The Labour Party(which lost), has put out a couple of leaflets.

Both kept silent about the BNP, which came a close third.
With an increased vote.

The fact is that the voting public is being ramrodded through the sheep-dip pens, in a long stream of sheep-like character; and that is the way they like it.
They don't want to think for themselves.
They don't want to be left the hell alone.

They want to be told.
They want to be led.They are the hungry masses waiting to be fed, and they don't care how or who.

The Liberals and Labour would rather play parlour games with the Nazis and keep attacking us Tories, because we are the only ones who have shown a propensity to break ranks and kill the beast.

They would see the country turn into 1933 Germany, if only they could be promised a role at the end.

The Liberals won the seat.
The Tory vote was reduced.
The BNP gained double the votes they lost.

To hell with this.

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