Monday, January 02, 2006

Eliminate The Impossible.....

...and whatever remains must be the truth.
So said Sherlock Holmes.
So what is my cause for belief in a giant 'powers that be' conspiracy?
Too many convenient rearrangements? Of facts, people and reality? All for the benefit of the ever-encroaching enslavement of the free. All based on real-life,hard-life experience of the sort of 'people' who would actually die before allowing a free individual to flourish; but such people are a minor inconvenience, because for every one of them there is another person who would kill and for the same reason.
The people who would die suffer from the delusion that they would be sacrificing for some common good.
The others believe that they would be sacrificing you and I for the common good, and they would believe this right to the end.
Compared to these people Hitler was an honest man.
They are instruments-of god, of the people, of the 'revolution'. And the more evil they do, the more heightened their 'state of grace'-to the public image they hold in their heads.

But when they act they know. They know the truth. From time to time it comes to them in brief flashes, but don't look for the obvious, you won't find it.

At the top levels, these crooks are sublimated, distilled out of worldliness to a point where their illusions of integrity become realities, realities of conscientous pretence.
Their ivory towers are surrounded by lakes of bleach, and when they wear dress gloves, the gloves are rubber.
No blood touches their remote skin.

To meet them is to remain singularly unimpressed, perhaps even to wonder what possible fuss could be associated with them.
But their slightest breath becomes a zephyr that engulfs the souls of the violent, (without prejudice) and delivers evil to your door, untraceable, impersonal evil.

In other words, slavery has gone 'legit', and while you may stop particular outbreaks, it will keep on coming so long as the upper echelons can 'live' without visible means of support.

And yes, it might be systematised.

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