Sunday, July 03, 2005

Fathers of Invention

My dead father was the one who unwittingly introduced Pinky to me.
Pinky had been involved in a seeingly deliberate bankruptcy, and father had forced him to resign-no inkling of criminality-just forced him to resign,in case.
Pinky stayed real friendly-like, but didn't come to the funeral.
He actually said that my dad had played a dirty trick on him.
So his concern with me could well have been some sort of sick revenge trip.
I think it quite possible.
Anyway, my dad found Pinky amusing, and told me "He drives everybody who works with him,and his wives, completely mad.They have to leave."
So, I thought to myself, 'no biggy' and paid little critical attention to the little fart.
But I always had an uneasy feeling of caution. Any friend of dad's had to be a wrong-un.
Now I realise that they do, quite literally, practise the dark art of driving people insane.
Both Pinky and Perky, which is why there is no divorce in any sense.
My colleagues realised it months before I did.
Fact of the matter is, they can't drive you mad. Only you or I can drive ourselves mad.
And that is what continuing silence would represent for me. They make people drive themselves mad.
And that is what this site is about. The line from Respect, as sung by Aretha Franklin. Can't quite quote it, but listen to the song and you'll get it.
In my experience, forcing people like that to confront their own truth is the best defence,offence and revenge(if you can be bothered).
In my case, promoting the truth of this situation is theraputic. The alternative would be truly insufferable.
Heck, if this place got shut down I'd just start another!

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